School Rules

  • Students must be punctual. Entry will not be permitted after 5 minutes of the school time.
  • At the first bell, students should make their way to the place of assembly in absolute silence. At the second bell, the assembly shall commence..
  • The students are not permitted to move out of the class without the class outpass issued by the school.
  • Students are prohibited from carrying objectionable literature / material to school.
  • Cell phone and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited within the school premises.
  • Disobedience and disrespect towards teachers or immoral influence will justify dismissal of the student.
  • Posting of any derogatory remark or photograph against the school / teacher / peer group on social networking sites (eg. Facebook /WhatsApp /Youtube) will be treated sternly and may lead to termination from the school.

  • It is compulsory for all students to converse in English. It is imperative for the students to communicate with each other and their teacher only in English during school hours & in school bus. Parents’ co- operation for the same is solicited.
  • The school shall not be held responsible for any unforeseen accident / illness or mishap which may occur in the school, during school hours or school trips.
  • As regards Promotion / Detention, the decision of the Principal is final.
  • Students must come to school in proper School Uniform. Uniform is compulsory at all school functions, parent – teacher meetings and on any visit the child may make to the school during working hours.
  • All students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed.
  • I-Card is a compulsory part of school uniform and hence should be carried to school daily. In case of loss or damage the student will have to pay 50/- for reissue of the same.
  • The use of kajal/ mehndi/ tattoos and other forms of ornamentation which include jewellery or expensive watches like smart watches is not permitted. Boys are expected to wear their hair short and trimmed beard (No trendy haircuts like spikes etc. to be worn). Girls are expected to dress long hair in plaits.
  • Trousers with low waist and narrow bottoms are restricted.
  • Students are expected to respect school property. No student should damage the school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to school. Any school property damaged even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher/ coordinator or the Principal.
  • Students are not allowed to meet visitors during school hours. Tiffin boxes / bottles/ medicines will NOT be delivered to the student under any circumstance.
  • Students suffering from infectious / contagious disease shall, under no circumstance, be permitted to attend the school until fully recovered.
  • Exploding crackers, splashing colours and playing absurd games on the school premises are strictly banned.
  • Students indulging in such undesirable behaviour may be sent for counselling sessions and issued warnings in the initial stage. However, if similar behaviour persists, the student may have to undergo suspension ranging from a week to a fortnight and further can even result in his/her name being struck off from the school rolls, in extreme cases. In dealing with each student, the school will keep in mind the purpose of discipline and strengthen the behaviour that will enable the students to cope up appropriately with situations in the future.
  • Students are allowed to distribute only toffees, chocolates or stationery items as gift in the school. Pastries, cakes, soft drinks etc. are prohibited. It is also advised that parents should not give money to students to celebrate birthday in the school for buying eatables from the school canteen as this could lead to further indiscipline. Only the students up to class V may come to school in casual dress on birthdays.
  • A student can avail the School Transport subject to the availability of seats. The routes of the school buses are drawn up, parents should consult the school transport incharge for necessary details.
  • Transport Fee will be charged for 11 months for an academic session. The use of bus facility can not be discontinued in the mid session. In case of transfer/ change in address, submit an application to transport incharge.
  • Movement in corridors should be in silence and in an orderly way